Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In the recent news a reporter by the name of Helen Thomas was fired from her job as a columist for controversial remarks that she said about the Jews. She was asked about the Israel matter & she responded that the Jews are occupying Gaza & should go about to their land which is Gemany or Polland.
Me I do not see the remarks as being untrue or disrespectful. What she said is a fact. That the Jews were prosecuted in Germany which is where they were living so how can you give them a land that isn't theirs?
When America gave the Indians land for what they did to them, they didn't give it to them in another country. They gave them the land where the act took place.(America)
So what Helen said is not offensive, but is the truth. Anytime someone says anything about the Jews your being anti-semetic. You can talk against every other race of people & their no reprocussion behind it. But once you even go against a Jew point of view your wrong. It time to let the Jews know that their are other races of people who had racial problems & issues, & they received nothing. So just b/c someone does'nt agree with you does not mean they should be punished for having an opinion. I believe that Jews should be the last race of people who should be trying to oppress or occupy someone else dealing with how they were oppressed & occupied.
(Feel free to post your comments & opinions @ Shone E. Wilkes or all your opinions & point of views matter!!)

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